Strange what a little negativity can do. Last thoughts on the troll:
There's something about a metaphorical swipe at my pregnant belly that made me think twice about keeping my thoughts in an online, semi-public forum. In such an early stage of pregnancy, a great deal of superstition around celebrating too early swept over me, chiefly because the nature of her diatribe was a certain glee at the disgusting-ness of my joy in the face of what she described as my quote-en-quote miscarriage in May. Which was a detail from my previous blog. Which had been deleted. Which had no possible ties to this blog. Which freaked me the fuck out. The verbal attack from the troll had a lingering poison, the effects of which were self-doubt and the need to protect my thoughts, and possibly my person.
Here I am, nearly twenty weeks later, still pregnant, happier than I've ever been in my life, and about to enter my third trimester. Take that, you harpy!
So, it's with nominally thicker skin and a noticeably thicker waist I return to the blog.